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How can we help you?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I'm a transfer student and I'd like to use grades from my previous school to apply for Westview CSF. Can I do that?
    Yes, transfer students are allowed to apply to Westview CSF during application cycles. However, you will have to fill out a special paper form instead of the online application. To do this, please visit Ms. Loo in room G-116 to be guided through the transfer application process.
  • What is CSF?
    California Scholarship Federation is a statewide non-profit organization ( that rewards high academic performance, honors students for their achievements, and recognizes their dedicated service to the community. Westview CSF represents Chapter 1276 s of the wider CSF family of schools across California. We are dedicated to upholding the values of CSF across our school. Today, CSF is the largest and one of the oldest organizations within Westview. For more information about Westview CSF and California Scholarship Federation, visit the 'About' section.
  • I'm apart of a club or organization and I'd like to reach out to CSF members to advertise an opportunity. How can I do this?
    First, make a post in the General Discussion tab on the Student Forum. If you would also like to inquire about having your opportunity be sent out through our emailing list or be featured on our website, please contact us directly.
  • Do members need to attend weekly meetings?
    While CSF does not hold weekly or monthly meetings like typical clubs, we do occasionally hold member meetings for important announcements and executive elections. CSF requires that its members attend all mandatory meetings and encourages members to attend optional meetings. These meetings will be announced beforehand.
  • Do members need to do community service?
    CSF’s motto is “Scholarship for Service”. You should provide proof of a minimum of 6 hours of community service each time you submit an application. If you are unable to do this, you will be prompted to explain why. Additionally, CSF requires that you input the contact information of someone associated with that community service, such as a project manager or director. CSF reserves the right to audit applications to ensure that its members maintain academic honestly in all regards.
  • What are the fees for?
    Fees are used to pay state registration fees, administrative costs, the Scholars' Banquet to honor the graduating life members, CSF rewards and awards, and certificates. No student will be denied CSF membership due to a lack of funds. Students which have demonstrated financial need can contact Ms. Loo in room G-116 about a special fee waiver.
  • Do I need to reapply each term?
    It is up to the discretion of each and every member to decide if they want to apply each term. However, consideration for life membership and 100% life membership requires a minimum of 4 and 6 applications respectively. If you want to receive the full benefits of your CSF membership, it is highly recommended that you complete at least 4 applications to qualify for life membership.
  • I've complete my application. Now what?
    Congratulations! CSF applications enter a three stage process: Our automated system will review your application for any errors. If it doesn't find any, you'll receive a email stating that your application has been submitted for review. Once the application cycle has closed, the CSF Executive Board will undergo a manual review of all applications from that cycle. CSF receives up to 400 applications every cycle, so this can take a week or more. CSF may randomly audit community service contacts to ensure that what you have put on the application is true. Your grades may also be reviewed, so make sure that you have submitted the parent permission form as required. Once your application has been successfully reviewed, you will receive an email stating that it has been accepted and that you have been confirmed for that term. Once all applications have been audited, they will be placed into our long-term database and will count towards your life membership. You will be able to see your current membership status and progress towards life membership in the 'Membership' section of your profile.
  • What if I miss the deadline to apply?
    Remember that membership is voluntary, so it is the responsibility of the student to apply on time before the application cycle closes. We recommend that you complete your application within the first few days of the application cycle opening so that you have enough time to correct any mistakes should they arise. The application will close at 11:59 PM on the last day of the application cycle. We will not accept applications retroactively after this time.
  • What GPA do I need to have to qualify for membership?
    We do not use your GPA. CSF has its own criteria for determining membership. Please see the application form for details on how to calculate your points from your grades. You must meet all requirements to be accepted to CSF.
  • I received an email stating that there was an error with my application. Now what?
    It appears as though our automated application system has determined that there is an error within your application that has resulted in you not meeting application requirements. At this point, you'll need to redo your entire application on the website. Make sure to pay special attention to the application requirements so that you don't fail again. If you are confused, refer to the other questions on this FAQ or contact us directly. You'll be able to resubmit your application as many times as needed for the duration of the application cycle. Once it closes, you will not be able to resubmit your application and you will be rejected from CSF. If you receive an email stating that there is a discrepancy in your application, one of our Executive Board members has determined that there is something wrong with your application. At this point, the application cycle will have already closed, so it is imperative that you respond to that email as quickly as possible to resolve the situation. If you do not respond in a timely manner, you will be rejected from CSF. CSF does not offer refunds to those who fail to amend their applications.
  • Can I use grades from my summer school or online classes?
    No. CSF requires that you use the grades from the previous term of your time in Westview. You will not be able to input classes that were taken outside of Westview, including PUSD online classes.
  • How do I apply?
    Create an account or log into the CSF website. Then, click on the 'Apply' button at the top of the screen. Members are invited to apply during specific application cycles which occur for two weeks during Fall and Spring, labeled Term 1 and Term 2 respectively. If you do not see a button entitled 'Begin My Application' on the Apply page, then the application is currently closed. You will be notified when the application cycle is open and how long it is open for. All members who wish to apply for that term must do so while the application cycle is open. Once it is closed, you will not be allowed to complete an application until the next application cycle.
  • What's the difference between a course and a class?
    At Westview, a course is a complete unit of study that is at least a semester long while a class is the timetabled teaching activity for that course which lasts for only a quarter. There are multiple classes within a course. Every year, you select the course that you want to take and are assigned classes corresponding to that course with a teacher, period, and grades. English 1-2 is a course. English 1 is a class. English 2 is a class. The classes, English 1 and English 2, exist within the course English 1-2. You may input a maximum of 5 classes, NOT courses, on your application. This application has the correct amount of classes: English 1, English 2, Spanish 1, Spanish 2, AP HUG 1 This application confused classes with courses and now has too many: English 1, English 2, Spanish 1, Spanish 2, AP HUG 1, AP HUG 2, AP CSA 1, AP CSA 2, Computer & Software Engineering 1, Computer & Software Engineering 2 This person was thinking in terms of English 1-2, Spanish 1-2, AP HUG 1-2, C&SE 1-2, and AP CSA 1-2. This is technically 5 courses, but far too many classes. Due to limitations, the dropdowns on the application form are listed as courses, not classes. For this reason, you will need to list the name of the course instead of the class. If you wanted to use the classes English 1 and English 2 on your application, you would input English 1-2 twice as a representation of those classes. You should only make 5 inputs total across the 3 lists. Inputting too many classes is one of the most common mistakes made on CSF applications. Make sure you understand the distinction between them so that you can avoid having to resubmit an application.
  • What is an Associate Member?
    Associate membership is granted specifically to freshman and first term sophomores. Second term sophomore and older applicants will instead be categorized as standard members. Associate membership does not count towards Life Membership and associated rewards or honors.
  • What are the benefits of being a life member?
    All life members graduate with the CSF lamp pin, CSF gold honor cord, Life Member Certificate, and the CSF gold seal on their diploma. Life members are invited to attend the Scholars' Banquet at the end of their senior year. Additionally, CSF offers some financial scholarships to which Life Members may apply. Keep in mind that these scholarships are not always available.
  • What is a 100% Life Member?
    A 100% Life Member has qualified for CSF membership for every term possible (a total of six terms starting sophomore year). 100% Life Members receive a special certificate to recognize this highest honor.
  • What happens if I don't qualify for life membership?
    Life membership is required for access to all graduation rewards as well as the Scholars' Banquet. If you are not a life member, you will not be able to access these benefits. Senior members with only three or even two completed applications are classified as Potential Life Members. This group of students will receive an email with special instructions as to how they can qualify for life membership with certain exemptions. To avoid the hassle that comes with Potential Life Member status, we recommend that all members begin applying sophomore year and every term so that they qualify for life membership and 100% life membership the normal way.
  • What is a Life Member?
    Life members are seniors who have successfully applied for CSF membership for a minimum of four terms, using grades from first term sophomore year through senior year. At least one of those applications must be based on senior year grades.
  • Red Cross Blood Donations
    Schedule a Blood, Platelet or Plasma Donation
  • Helen Woodward Animal Shelter
    For all the animal lovers out there, the Helen Woodward Animal Shelter holds a wide variety of service opportunities and times. Volunteers must undergo a volunteer orientation, all details are available on the link below.
  • Kitchens for Good
    Help out at the kitchenware retail shop, serving food at The Rady Shell, working with the front-of-house team at the Apprentice-run mock restaurants, and more! July and August shifts available now!
  • Shoal Creek Fall Festival
    Student volunteers can recieve up to 4-5 volunteer hours.
  • San Diego Humane Society
    Another option for animal lovers. Here, volunteer opportunities can range from making enrichment items at home for animals to physically socializing with small animals. Info on how to sign up can be found on the link below.
  • Westview Peer Counseling Tutoring
    Anyone can become a tutor, or simply offer support and guidance for fellow peers who may be struggling with a particular subject. Tutoring days are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays after school, from 3:30-4:30, in D101. Email for more information.
  • Westview Key Club
    Key Club is an international, student-led organization providing its members with opportunities to perform service, build character, and develop leadership skills. Currently, they offer online service projects to complete while even at home. Check out @wvkeyclub on Instagram for more information.
  • Fleet Science Center
    A commitment of 80 hours is required and letters of recommendation are needed to apply! For more information on how to sign up, please visit the link below or contact​​
  • COVID Child Care
    Help babysit children of essential medical workers in San Deigo who must balance their jobs with their need for health care. Please visit the link below for more information!
  • Feeding America Food Bank
    Volunteers must be at least 16 to sign up, but younger volunteers may bring an adult to accompany them.
  • Pen Pals for Life
    Write letters to nursing home patients to help them feel connected. An easy way to reach out and help others while we're all quarantined at home! For more information, check out the link below.
  • Words Alive Page Turners
    Read books from their provided list and review them in order to help determine if they would be a good fit for Word's Alive Curriculum. Minors must fill out a waiver beforehand. Happy reading!
  • San Diego Food Bank
    A great way to help relieve hunger within your local community, the Food Bank distributed 28 million pounds of food across the county just last year.

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